Governance & Notifications

Data Policies

Data policies are used to ensure accuracy and integrity of data within ±«Óãtv.  Below are links to the ±«Óãtv policy site as well as some of the ±«Óãtv data policies relevant to ODS. 

±«Óãtv Data Regulations & Policies

(for a complete list, please go to the ±«Óãtv Regulations & Policies Site)
Regulations & Policies Description
Anyone submitting data to an external entity must complete a data request and be granted approval prior to submission of data as per the External Data Request Policy.
Describes the standards for managing data within ±«Óãtv. 


±«Óãtv Regulations & Policies Site

Regulations & Policies Description
University Regulations & Policies The ±«Óãtv regulations and policies, where you can find information regarding new and proposed regulations and policies.