Sue Havens Exhibits Her Largest Painting in New York, Interviews with Fields Magazine
Friday, September 07, 2018
Sue Havens, assistant professor of painting and drawing at ±«Óãtv, exhibits her painting
Brick and Mortar: MASSIVE at New York City's Knockdown Center through December 23.
In this piece, Havens brings together the visual world around her to create her largest
painting to date.
The work is a part of Knockdown Center's FiftyTwo Ft. series of commissioned wall-based
artworks in its East Corridor.
Late last month, listed Haven's mural at the Knockdown Center as one of
In April, Havens exhibited her paintings, ceramics, and works on paper at Brooklyn's
Park Place Gallery. In light of this exhibition, Havens took part in a in which she discusses the relationship between her 2D and 3D works, her entry into
ceramics, and more.
See Havens' full to learn more.
Banner photo: Sue Havens (second from the right) address attendees of a Michael Berryhill lecture at the ±«Óãtv School of Art and Art History.