Undergraduate Research Assistant Kayla Li Receives Scholarship to Attend Oxford
Friday, April 20, 2018
Kayla Li, research assistant for Professor Jennifer Bugos, is a recipient of the Medical
Sciences Graduate School Studentship to attend the University of Oxford for one year
in pursuit of a master's degree in clinical embryology.
Li's interdisciplinary research with Bugos at the ±«Óãtv School of Music has been an
important part of her ±«Óãtv education and has helped her prepare for graduate school.
The Medical Sciences Graduate School Studentship will provide Li with funding for
tuition, fees, and living expenses. At Oxford, she will learn advanced techniques
in embryology, work with global leaders in the field, and engage in research culminating
in a master's dissertation.
Li, who is graduating with a bachelor's degree in biomedical sciences and a minor
in public health, has been a research assistant for Bugos since beginning her studies
at ±«Óãtv in 2016.
Upon starting her studies at ±«Óãtv, she participated in the ±«Óãtv STEM Academy, a week-long
program before the Fall semester designed to build community, network, and connect
students to research opportunities. The program and the guidance of Dr. Richard Pollenz,
biology professor and director of STEM Academy, connected her with research opportunities
at the School of Music.
Li's past experiences in music include playing piano, clarinet, guitar, and the Chinese
stringed instrument, the pipa. She also played in band in middle school. Working with
Bugos on interdisciplinary music research provided the ideal setting to continue to
be immersed in music.
"I feel like I didn't have enough experience to do marching band in college, but I
still wanted to be around music," said Li.
Li has worked with children and adults on Bugos' studies, "The Impact of Piano Training
on Cognitive Performance and Psychosocial Well-Being in Older Adults," and "The Impact
of a Technology-Based Music Training Program on Executive Functions in Early Learners."
Her duties with Bugos have included scheduling, recruitment, testing research participants,
and data entry. She also created a standardized Lego protocol curriculum for Bugos'
study with young children.
On April 19, she presented the research poster, "The Effects of Auditory Processing
Interventions on Musical Nuance Perception," in collaboration with undergraduate researcher
Hiwot Zewdie at the ±«Óãtv Undergraduate Research Conference on April 19. Li and Zewdie
used data from Bugos's research study with older adults to create her poster.
Li says her research experience has allowed her to mature, gain experience working
with others, and learn about research design.
Furthermore, engaging in undergraduate research allowed her to combine what she has
learned in her science classes with the more applied and interpersonal nature of research.
"I also think it's really cool I get the wet lab in my classes and then I get to work
with human subjects over here," said Li.
After Oxford, she plans to either go to medical school to become a neonatologist or
to look for opportunities as a researcher in the field of embryology.