

College of Design, Art & Performance


Dr. Kyoung Cho Awarded 2016 ±«Óãtv Creative Scholarship Award

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

In addition to receiving a Women and Leadership and Philanthropy, Dr. Kyoung Cho has been awarded the 2016 ±«Óãtv Creative Scholarship Award for her project Korean Women's Voices: CD recording of Korean art songs by leading Korean Women Composers & World Premiere Concert. Work on the research project will take place in Korea this summer and fall in conjunction with the Korean Society of Women Composers (KSWC). Dr. Cho will research poets, interview composers, create the CD, and more.

The ±«Óãtv Creative Scholarship Award, which will provide $10,000 for Dr. Cho's research, is made possible by the ±«Óãtv Internal Awards Program. The mission of the Internal Awards Program is to foster excellence in research and scholarship by ±«Óãtv System faculty and support activities aimed at securing extramural funding. In the allocation of funds across program categories, the highest priority is given to initiatives aimed at funding activities likely to enable leveraging for additional extramural funding and initiatives aimed at scholarly activities for which availability of extramural funding is extremely limited.

Release of the CD will be acknowledged at the KSWC bi-annual concert in the Fall of 2016. It will feature songs from the CD as well as world premiere works. The Arts community eagerly anticipates the results of her project and the University congratulates Dr. Cho for her leadership while celebrating this ambitious undertaking.