
Michael Gillespie

Michael Gillespie

Associate Professor


Office: SMC B316
Phone: 941/359-4228


Curriculum Vitae


Dr. Michael A. Gillespie is an Associate Professor of Psychology at University of South Florida. He resides on the Sarasota-Manatee campus and directs the Human Applied Cognition and Decision-making lab on the Tampa campus. His research interests include decision-making at work, critical thinking, values, organizational culture, psychological measures, and job attitudes. He teaches Industrial-Organizational Psychology, Research Methods, Tests & Measurement, and Statistics. Dr. Gillespie received his PhD in Industrial-Organizational Psychology at Bowling Green State University (2005), his MA in Industrial-Organizational Psychology at Michigan State University (2003), and his BA in Psychology at the University of South Florida (1999).
Prior to joining the faculty at ±«ÓãtvSM, Dr. Gillespie was an Assistant Professor of Assessment, Research, and Statistics in the School of Leadership and Policy Studies at Bowling Green State University (2008-2011), Research Director at Denison Consulting (2005-2008), and Data Analyst at University of Michigan’s Institute for Social Research (2003-2004).




Gillespie, M. A., & Marquet, L. D. (2018). Senior Leaders Are Extreme Cases, Not Special Cases. Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 11(4), 682-685.

Gillespie, M. A., Gillespie, J. Z., Sliter, K. A., Colatat, M. C., Nolan, K. P., & Guion, R. M. (2018). An SK BARS System: Ongoing Performance Management with Municipal Police. Public Personnel Management, 44, 93-114. DOI: 0091026017738538.

Gillespie, M. A., Gillespie, J. Z., Brodke, M. H., & Balzer, W. H. (2016). The importance of sample composition depends on the research question. Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Perspectives on Science and Practice, 9, 207-211.

Gillespie, M. A., Balzer, W. K., Brodke, M. H., Garza, M., Gerbec, E. N., Gillespie, J. Z., Gopalkrishnan, P., Lengyel, J. S., Sliter, K. A., Sliter, M. T., Withrow, S. A., & Yugo, J. E. (2016). Normative Measurement of Job Satisfaction in the US. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 31(2), 516-536.

Boyce, A. S., Nieminen, L. R., Gillespie, M.A., Ryan, A. M., & Denison, D. R. (2015). Which Comes First, Organizational Culture or Performance? A Longitudinal Study of Causal Priority with Automobile Dealerships. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 36(3), 339-359.

Kotrba, L. M., Gillespie, M. A., Schmidt, A. M., Smerek, R., Ritchie, S., & Denison, D. R. (2012). Do consistent corporate cultures have better business performance? Exploring the interaction effects. Human Relations, 65(2) , 241-262.

Yankelevich, M., Broadfoot, A., Gillespie, J. Z., Gillespie, M. A., & Guidroz, A. M. (2012). General job stress: A unidimensional measure and its non-linear relations with outcome variables. Stress & Health, 28(2), 137-148.

Gillespie, M. A. (2011). Assessing Critical Thinking about Values: A Quasi-Experimental Study. Inquiry: Critical Thinking across the Disciplines, 26(1), 19-28.

Guidroz, A. M., Yankelevich, M., Barger, P., Gillespie, M. A., & Zickar, M. J. (2009). Methodological considerations for creating and using organizational survey norms. Consulting Psychology Journal, 61, 85-102.

Gillespie, M.A., Denison, D.R., Haaland, S., Smerek, R. & Neale, W.S. (2008). Linking organizational culture and customer satisfaction: Business-unit results from two companies in different industries. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 17(1), 112-132.