

College of Arts & Sciences

CAS Chronicles

Patrizia LaTrecchia

Patrizia La Trecchia translated the demonstration and provided historical context. 

Taste of Italy: Culinary event strengthens global ties

By Georgia JacksonCollege of Arts and Sciences

The ±«Óătv joined over 50 universities across the U.S. — and more than 100 countries around the world — for the Week of Italian Cuisine in the World on Nov. 20. The event attracted delegates from the Consulate General of Italy in Miami to the Tampa campus for the first time. 
“The event marked the beginning of a very fruitful collaboration between the Italian consular authorities, the Italian Cultural Institute and the Italian program at ±«Óătv,” said Patrizia La Trecchia, an associate professor of Italian in the Department of World Languages, who received an invitation to host the event from the director of the Italian Cultural Institute in Miami. “We are honored to have been selected to host this global event and excited to be a part of this prestigious international tradition.” &˛Ô˛ú˛ő±č;
The event brought various engagement opportunities to ±«Óătv and the Tampa Bay area. ±«Óătv students were invited to attend a masterclass in the professional-grade kitchen located in the new Judy Genshaft Honors College, where Arcangelo Dandini, chef of the Roman restaurant L’Arcangelo, prepared samples of traditional Roman dishes, including carbonara and amatriciana.  

Italian food


La Trecchia — who teaches Food Culture in the Mediterranean, Italian Food Culture & the Mediterranean Diet and Italian Food in Film, among other courses — translated the demonstration and provided historical context. 
“It was almost like a history lesson and a cooking demonstration wrapped into one,” said Demetrios Papadatos, a political science major. “Being able to learn about various Roman pasta dishes while watching them being professionally prepared left a lasting impression.” 

La Trecchia also accompanied delegates from the Consulate General of Italy in Miami — including Vice Consul Giacomo Montrasio and Stafano Cerrato, director of the Italian Institute of Culture — to Water Street, where they participated in a public talk and reception, hosted by the Italian Institute of Culture in Miami. &˛Ô˛ú˛ő±č;
Community attendance was overwhelming. 
“I’m beyond grateful to the consular authorities, the Italian Cultural Institute and the Italian Embassy for their support,” said La Trecchia, who is also the director of the Environmental Humanities Initiative. “I look forward to next the edition at ±«Óătv.” 

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